I feel a lot more confident this semester than last semester, but some of my classes are still fairly difficult to follow (damn Santiago, he speaks so effing fast). Right now I'm pretty unmotivated. I'm still doing most of my work and going to all my classes, but I'm not really enjoying school. I do like talking to the kids and making new friends, but something is not clicking....I think I'm losing interest in politics.
Everything always sounds interesting in theory, but once I get into the classroom, I feel like I what I'm learning about is irrelevant. I'm starting to see the world from a different perspective. It's like a battle between the political science major and the biology major. What's important to understand about the way the world works: how we humans manipulate it into our own system or how it naturally functions (photosynthesis, eating small rodents...)? I never liked studying biology, so I'm not about to do a 180 on my major, but I am thinking a lot about how little I want to go into politics. Yesterday during class, I got a coffee and medialuna during the break, and with my sugar/caffeine buzz, something came to me.
I might be happy as a waitress the rest of my life.
...Hear me out!
I want to affect this world positively by the time I leave it, but I think I might be destined for a more simple life than I'm preparing myself for. I'm starting to come to terms with the fact that I like living modestly and I really like being relaxed. But one of the things that gives me the most joy, is meeting new people. I feel like I would be a more valuable asset to society just providing kindness and decency in an every-day situation. I could inspire people to pay it forward because I served them up magical kindness and joy! So, I would get to meet new people all day, every day and flash that million dollar smile (well, stock went down a little after the Brazil accident, but you catch my drift), and have enough money to buy mandolin strings and sing on Tuesdays. I honestly think I would be satisfied doing that.
No? Am I destined for something bigger? What does that even mean..bigger? More important? More consequential?
I mean, eating is pretty important, and when you get a waiter who is just AWESOME, you leave feeling better about life. Right? I'd love to evoke that in people.
I don't know. Probably shouldn't waste the thousands of dollars being spent on this education. But this education has given me the opportunity to explore and figure out what really makes my heart beat in this world....
Hey! One thing Buenos Aires has ignited in me is a deep, deep love for the cafe culture. Okay, granted I don't know jack about coffee (ines and I drink instant nescafe every day), and even though Dad has explained how to use the espresso machine a trillion times, I can never remember how to make a latte; nonetheless, every time I walk into a nice (or ratty) cafe, I feel like all the problems in the world will be juuuuuust fine. SO maybe I open one! I don't know much about business, but I do know the market is a tad bit inundated with coffee shops, but whatever, that's okay. Where there's passion, there's success. Just need to find me a business partner from Leed's who knows a little sumthin about taxes or whatever.
Or, I go to law school and become an attorney like I've imagined since I was in grade school.
Or I drop out of school and pursue a singer/songwriter's career.
Or, better yet, go to NYC and try my luck on the stage!
Or I stop procrastinating and do my International Security homework.
Did I ever tell you that after getting my engineering degree and my first and second real jobs, that I thought that there "must be something more!" So, I got a part-time job at a local Northern California coffee house to learn about coffee and immerse myself in the cafe culture. What I learned is that I liked my big paycheck - oh yeah - and ALOT about coffee.
Over the years, I've learned that whatever your job, wherever you work - you can bring joy to the people your with.
Love, Mom
I agree with your mom. And to be blunt, you are destined for greater things. Greater things doesn't necessarily mean being an attorney, but the aspects that are appealing about waitressing are DEFINITELY found in other jobs...and then you don't have deal with all the shit that SUCKS about waitressing...believe me I know...;-)
Also, I know exactly what you mean about the politics thing. I've been feeling really disillusioned lately when it comes to politics. It is just too much. There is just too much to fix and too many people who want too many different things. I am not qualified to be involved at all...
But I do think you can make any job into an awesome career. Maybe we can have a back up plan...after our Plan A plan of going to law school....Plan B: Open a wine bar/restaurant/cafe. I would love that.
Miss you,
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