Sunday, March 29, 2009

Some photos!

Hey! Here are some things I've been up to in the last month. Just a little taste...

This is Plaza de Mayo. It's sort of the focal point of the city. This is during a protest on the anniversary of the Military Coup in 1976. We had the day off for this holiday--to commemorate those who had died/disappeared/were kidnapped during that era. 

Posters during the protest. "Without housing, work
, health, and education, we continue disappearing." This is a reference to those 30,000 "political dissidents" who disappeared in the 70s during the military dictatorship. 

Here is Dad, Ines, and I watching some tango singing and guitar playing. 

This is La Peña de Colorado. They provide guitars and everyone gets rowdy playing folkloric music and performing Gaucho dances

This is at a small bar in the neighborhood. Tango music without the showy dancing. good call. 

Venezuela is good for two things: beaches and rum. 
"what you guys don't like Chavez?" 

Ines' fine cooking. Mmmmm. 

Some friends on a Friday night. Or Saturday morning. The weekend schedule here is absolutely absurd. Nobody even goes out until midnight or 1am or 2am....

Here is Esteban with one of the bazillion stray cats that are living the life of luxury in the botanical gardents!
We went to the races! I lost 2 pesos. 
This is an extremely relevant picture: it's the used Yerba being thrown away, I'm drinking SO much mate out here. mmmmmmm

Here is Ines and the new kitten, Benito!
¡Que Lindo!


This is at a performance by La Bomba del Tiempo, an improvisational drum troupe. Probably the most fun thing I've done so far!

This is the rooftop of the hostel that I stayed at before the program started. It was absolutely phenomenal. 

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